The Star Who Fell To Earth
The Star Who Fell To Earth is a short film written and directed by Alessandro Magnabosco. A modern fairy tale of friendship and loneliness, it follows Harry, a young astronomer who leads an ordinary, monotone life and whose nights of stargazing are his only escape. It is on one of these nights, right after spotting a shooting star, that he meets a mysterious young woman.
I was asked to create the visual look of the film across title sequences, posters and on social media.
The design was influenced by stylised night sky illustrations and 17th century astronomical maps.
VFX breakdown
I completed about 30 VFX shots on the film, including sky replacements, and full CG environments. I have also colour graded the short.
Personal project
My role
Graphic designer
VFX artist
Alessandro Magnabosco, director
Rahel Peker, producer
Luke de Borde, director of photography